Our Vision
Using high-level advocacy, strategic communications, and creative legal approaches,
we tackle the root causes that have turned HIV into a global pandemic.

Code Blue Campaign
AIDS-Free World’s Code Blue Campaign works to end impunity for sexual offenses
committed by UN personnel.

For over a decade, we have supported legal efforts to prosecute systemic, politically
motivated rape in Zimbabwe as a crime against humanity.

AIDS-Free World successfully petitioned against a homophobic colonial-era law that
violates the right to health of LGBTI citizens and exacerbates the HIV epidemic in the region.

The Gambia
We provide ongoing legal support to survivors of former Gambian dictator
Yahya Jammeh’s bogus and harmful AIDS “cure.”

Child Marriage is Child Labour
AIDS-Free World’s Child Marriage is Child Labour Campaign calls on the
International Labour Organization to recognize illegal child “marriage” as child labour.

The Cavia App Project
Cavia is committed to bringing the perspectives of those most affected
by sexual abuse and HIV directly to decision-makers.

News We’re Following